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How is a payment schedule created?

NEST automatically creates a payment schedule for you once you’ve set up a worker group. If you add more worker groups later we’ll automatically create additional payment schedules for you. We’ll send a copy of these to your secure NEST mailbox for each group you create. You can add more groups by going to the Manage groups area of your online NEST account. You can click ‘Add another group’ to set up a new worker group.

You’ll be able to check your payment schedules any time by going to your secure NEST mailbox. You can find them by typing ‘payment schedule’ in the search bar in your mailbox. Depending on how many groups you’ve created, payment schedules will appear in the mailbox.

Once your payment schedule has been created the only details you can change are the maximum contribution amounts. If you think you need to change the payment due date or frequency in your payment schedule, for example, you’ll need to create a new group.

For help creating new groups please see How do I add a new group once I’ve set up with NEST?

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