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How do I delete a NEST connect account?

If your organisation no longer wants to administer NEST on behalf of employers, you can completely remove your NEST connect account. Only a super user has the permission to perform this task. To do this, click ‘Delete your organisation’s account’ on the My account details page.

You’ll be taken to a page explaining what happens if you continue. If you delete your NEST account there’ll be a 28-day period in which all users will still have access to the account and will be able to manage the accounts of the employers. This period can be used to retrieve any important information from the secure mailbox and to help the employers find alternative means of managing their NEST account. At this stage, any super user in the delegate organisation can cancel the deletion by contacting us directly. At the end of the 28-day period, unless the deletion has been cancelled, your NEST connect account and all your delegate users will be permanently deleted and any access to your employer accounts will be cancelled.

To proceed with deleting your NEST connect account, click ‘Delete account’.

You’ll be asked to confirm that you want to permanently delete your account. If you wish to delete your account, click ‘Yes, delete’. Otherwise, press ‘Cancel’.

Once an account is deleted you’ll need to set up another account from scratch if you want to use NEST again.

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