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How do I complete a contribution CSV file using the NEST template?

Entering information in the header record:

In row five you need to enter some important information about the schedule that you’re uploading. This data needs to exactly match the information in your online account otherwise you may receive some errors. Information required for the header in a contribution schedule CSV file is listed below:

NEST Employer reference – this is your reference starting EMP followed by nine digits.

  • Process type - select CS - contribution schedule from the drop-down menu.
  • Earnings period end date (EPED) (YYYY-MM-DD) - This must match the date of the schedule you’re uploading. So for the schedule 1-30 September 2015 the end date will be in the following format: 2015-09-30.
  • Payment source – This is the name of the payment source created when the scheme was set up and you’ll need to enter the payment source name in the file exactly as shown in your account.
  • Payment due date (YYYY-MM-DD) - this must match the payment due date on your online contribution schedule.
  • Frequency – select from the drop-down menu to show how often you pay this particular schedule.
  • Reason for Exception schedule – no need to include this for a contribution schedule.
  • Generation date (YYYY-MM-DD) – no need to include this for a contribution schedule.
  • Earnings period start date (EPSD) (YYYY-MM-DD) - This must match the date of the schedule you’re uploading. So for the schedule 1-30 September 2015 the start date will be 2015-09-01.
  • Total number of member records – this is the number of records on the file. You might not know this figure until you’ve finished entering all of your information.

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