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How long does it take to process the file?

The amount of time it takes to process the file will vary and depend on how many member records are included in it.

Size of file

Time to complete processing

Up to 49 member records

You’ll see an on-screen message confirming processing is complete within 30 seconds.

From 50 up to 999 member records

We’ll send a message to your mailbox confirming that we’ve processed your file within an hour.

1000 or more member records received before 6pm

We’ll send a message to your mailbox confirming that we’ve processed your file by 8am the following morning. If we need more time for any additional checks the file will be ready no later than 6pm that day.

1000 or more member records received between 6pm and midnight

As the cut-off time was missed we won’t process these files until the following evening. They’ll normally be ready by 8am the day after your file is processed. If we need more time for any additional checks the file will be ready no later than 6pm that day.


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