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What details do I need to give about my organisation when setting up with Nest?

In task 2 of the Nest set-up process, we’ll ask for some information about your organisation.

The name of your organisation - This is your organisation’s unique legal name as registered with Companies House or stated on a trust deed. The organisation name can be a maximum of 160 characters in length. You can include special characters within the name. The characters we can accept as part of your organisation name are @ $ { } [ ] ! ? \ / #. You can edit the name of your organisation after you've set up the account.

Number of workers – This should include everyone who works at your organisation at the time you set up with Nest, including full-time, part-time, temporary and contract workers. This information helps us identify the size of your organisation including any subsidiaries.

PAYE reference - This is issued by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) when you register your organisation to pay income tax for your workers. If you don’t have a PAYE reference, click ‘No’. You can also enter more than one PAYE.

Primary contact’s details – The primary contact must be someone from your organisation and not a third party as they will receive all communications from us about the scheme. For smaller organisations, it’ll often be the owner or manager. In larger organisations, it might be a HR director or a finance director.

The primary contact can  delegate roles to others who need access to the employer’s account. Please see What is a delegate? for more information.

You’ll need to include the following details for the primary contact:

  • title, for example, Ms
  • name
  • email address
  • job title of the primary contact (optional)
  • phone number – we can’t accept symbols like + or ()
  • whether they’re based in the ‘UK’ or ‘non-UK’
  • postcode to find the address (UK only).

Please note, the first line of the primary contact’s address can’t be more than 80 characters.


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