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How do I view inactive workers?

A worker is classified as an Inactive worker when we don’t expect to receive any more contributions for them. Their ‘status’ will indicate the reason why we’re not expecting contributions.

An inactive worker will be removed from any future contribution schedules and will only re-appear if they’re re-enrolled into NEST.

To view your inactive workers go to the ‘Manage workers’ area of your NEST home page.

Click ‘View inactive workers’.

If the list of inactive workers goes over one page you can use the search function to find what you’re looking for. You can search by ‘status’ by clicking on the drop-down box next to the ‘Status’ field. Choose the status you’re looking for and click the orange arrow to search. You can also search by a worker’s surname, National Insurance number or alternative identifier.

The results of your search will appear showing all inactive workers that match your search criteria. The date a worker became inactive will show under the Date contributions stopped column.


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