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How do I correct a schedule I’ve already paid?

We offer the flexibility for you to make changes to a paid contribution schedule as soon as the money is allocated to member’s account and the contribution schedule appears in 'Paid schedules'. If the contribution schedule is older than 23 months, it will be locked and you’ll need to send us evidence to unlock the schedule. For more information please see How do I unlock a contribution schedule for correction?

It’s important to note that after a contribution schedule has moved to ‘Paid schedules’, no changes can be made to the contribution reasons used for any partial or zero payments. In this case, you can pay the contributions by an exception schedule. For more information, please see How do I create an exception schedule?

To correct a paid schedule click either ‘Contributions’ or ‘Manage contributions’ on your Nest home page.

Then click ‘Paid schedules’ to find the contribution schedule you intend to correct.

Click the arrow underneath View/Correct for the contribution schedule you wish to correct.

Click on the pencil icon next to the member you need to correct the contributions for.

You’ll then be able to edit the pensionable earnings, employer contributions and member contributions.

Enter the correct pensionable earnings and click ‘Auto calc’ to calculate the employer and member contributions. We’ll overwrite the amount you submitted previously and either refund the difference or request a further payment. The final amount to be refunded post correction may differ due to investment loss.

When you’ve finished making the changes click ‘Save changes’. Then click ‘Submit schedule’, even if you’re requesting a refund.

To make corrections by uploading a CSV file please see How can I correct contributions by uploading a CSV file?

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