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How do I download an archived schedule?

We’ll archive member details from contribution schedules that are over two years old, whether paid or unpaid, but not from an exception schedule. Even though the member details in a contribution schedule are archived, you’ll still be able to see the schedule header details with the schedule status, the amount due or paid and the schedule period.

You can request to retrieve the archived details through your online account. This request will take up to 24 hours. To request to retrieve an archived schedule, you must be a

  • full access delegate
  • general delegate
  • schedule delegate
  • payments delegate.

Retrieving a paid archived schedule

To retrieve a paid schedule click ‘Manage contributions’ from your Nest home page. Then click ‘Paid schedules’.

To open the archived schedule, click the arrow under View/Correct

Click ‘Retrieve schedule’ to retrieve the archived information.

The status will then show as Retrieved schedule. This schedule will not be archived again.

If you’re trying to retrieve a schedule to correct the contributions it will be locked as the schedule is over 23 months from the earnings period end date.

You’ll see a message to send us evidence to unlock the records for correction. For more information please see How do I unlock a contribution schedule for correction?

Retrieving an unpaid archived schedule

Click ‘Manage contributions’ from your Nest home page and open the archived schedule by clicking on the arrow under Edit/Pay.

Click ‘Retrieve schedule’ to retrieve the archived information.

After the details are retrieved the schedule status will show as Retrieved schedule. Once you have requested to retrieve an archived schedule it will not be archived again.

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