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How do I view my Nest mailbox and documents?

To view any messages from Nest, you can login to your account online and select 'Messages' on your dashboard.

Here you will see two options: Mailbox and Documents. You can select the arrow next to the category you wish to view.

You can also use the filter option or enter keyword in the search box to check any specific message in your mailbox.

To check your annual benefit statement, you can select ‘My documents’.

Login to your account and select ‘Mailbox’ from ‘Messages’ section.

Then select ‘Compose email’.

Then enter the subject, select the message type and enter your message in the Your message section.

Once you’ve typed your message, select ‘Send’.

You can attach up to three documents in one email. Ensure the attachment file size doesn’t exceed 5 MB for each document.

Don’t compress, zip the files or password protect it as we do not accept these file types.

Only .jpeg, .gif, .tiff, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx and .pdf file types can be accepted.

Login to your account and select ‘Documents’ from ‘Messages’ on your dashboard.

You’ll be able to view the documents by selecting ‘show’ next to the years or you can select a custom date range.

You’ll get an option to view or download the document.

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