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How do I amend a delegate’s details?

To amend the details of a delegate click ‘Manage delegates’ from your NEST home page. You’ll be able to see a list of delegates that have access to your NEST account, including the delegates who are yet to activate their roles. Only full access delegates can add or amend individual delegates or delegate organisations.

You’ll also be able to see the delegate role you’ve given to them and whether they’ve accepted the request or not. If the potential delegate hasn’t accepted their invite yet, they’ll show as Pending. Please see How does an individual delegate accept a delegate role? for more information.

A full access delegate can only amend the access level of another delegate. They can’t amend personal details like name and email address of another delegate except the personal details of the primary contact. The primary contact is a person that represents the organisation and any full access delegate will have access to edit the information.

The full access delegate can amend their own details except the access permission assigned to them.

If you’re a full access delegate and you wish to change your own personal details, select the ‘Edit’ option on the right side of your name. You’ll then be able to see all the details on the account.

To amend any of the details you can select ‘Edit’ next to the details you wish to change.

Once you’ve made the changes, you’ll need to click ‘Save’.

Once you’ve saved all the changes, click ‘Done’ at the bottom of the page.

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