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Why would I need to delete a worker group?

Once a group is set up we only allow certain information to be changed.

You can’t edit the payment frequency or the payment due date. The payment frequency tells us how often you pay your workers. The payment due date tells us the latest date we can expect to receive money from you for workers’ contributions. If either of these two pieces of information is incorrect you’ll need to delete the group and set up a new one.

You can only delete a group if it doesn’t have any workers attached. So if you want to delete a group you first need to move any workers into another group.

To move a worker into a different group online please see How do I change a member’s group by entering information for one member at a time into the website? You can also use a file to move multiple workers into a different group. To do this please see How do I change a member’s group using a CSV file?

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