We’ll send confirmation to your online NEST mailbox that you’re no longer going to be participating in NEST. We won’t expect any more contributions from you after the date you’ve chosen to stop using NEST. You won’t be able to amend any of your member’s details or enrol any new members after your chosen date to stop using NEST. You’ll be able to opt a member out through a contribution schedule until date of cessation.
You’ll need to pay all contributions due for your members up to the date you choose to stop using NEST. If you don’t pay your contributions to NEST on time, we’ll still treat them as a late payment and may report you to The Pensions Regulator. You won’t be able to stop using NEST until all due contributions have been made and cleared in NEST’s account.
The message ‘We’re currently working on your request to stop using NEST. Please contact us if you need further information’ will be displayed on your NEST home page after you’ve confirmed your intention to stop using NEST. If you try and click ‘Stop taking part in NEST’ from the Organisation details section you’ll see the same message will be displayed.

You’ll still be able to add or amend delegates on your account before the account is closed.
Once you’ve stopped using NEST you and your delegates, including any Third Party Administrators you’ve set up on your account, won’t be able to access your online account. Before you stop using NEST we recommend you print out any emails that contain information you might need in the future and resolve any issues around contributions.
If you decide to use NEST again in the future you’ll have to start the set-up process from the beginning as your current scheme will not be available for use once you’ve stopped participation.
* Our chat is available from Monday to Sunday from 8.00AM to 8.00PM
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