You can only de-enrol a member who’s appearing in the active worker’s list on your Nest account.
Below are some of the reasons why you may have got this error while de-enrolling a member:
The file you uploaded has the wrong extension, and needs to end with ‘.csv’. You can create a de-enrolment file using Nest template to ensure it is formatted correctly. Once you’ve created the file using our template, save the file and do not open it before uploading it to your account as this may corrupt the file. Then go back to ‘Manage workers’ on your Nest account and upload the file again.
The National Insurance (NI) number provided for the new worker in the file has already been used for another active worker on this account. You will need to work out which is the incorrect number and correct it before trying again, by doing the following:
You can view and correct the error message for the worker directly from your Nest account. Follow the below steps to correct the NI number:
You will need to edit the active worker’s NI number from the ‘Manage workers’ area of your account. If you get a message that Nest is completing internal checks on your account when you do this, you’ll need to ask the worker to update their details by logging into their member account.
An Alternative Identifier is a unique reference you may give to each worker. It can be left blank. It is used to help identify the worker on our system. You’ve received this error message because the Alternative Identifier provided has already been used for another active worker in your employer account. You will need to work out which is the incorrect number and correct it before trying again, by doing the following:
You can view and correct the error message for the worker directly from your Nest account.
Follow the below steps to correct the Alt ID:
You will need to edit the active worker’s incorrect Alternative Identifier by searching for them in ‘Manage workers’ with the wrong Alternative Identifier and make the correction.
You can view and correct the error message for the worker directly from your Nest account.
Follow the below steps to correct the Alt ID:
We only accept letters (A-z) and numbers (0-9). The following examples are all acceptable:
You can view and correct the error message for the worker directly from your Nest account.
Follow the below steps to correct the surname:
We only accept:
The following examples are all acceptable formats:
You can view and correct the error message for the worker directly from your Nest account.
Follow the below steps to correct the date of birth:
If the date format is valid, then you may not have provided a date that exists, for example, 30 February, 31 April or 31 June.
You’ve entered the National Insurance (NI) number for one or more of your workers in an incorrect format. NI numbers are alpha numeric and shouldn’t include any special characters or spaces, for example, AA123456B.
You can view and correct the error message for the worker directly from your Nest account. Follow the below steps to correct the NI number:
You can view and correct the error message for the worker directly from your Nest account. Follow the below steps to correct the Town/city:
You can only enter letters (A-z), numbers (0-9), hyphen (-), ampersand (&), apostrophe (‘), full stop (.), single space and double space.
For example:
For islands off the UK mainland, for example Jersey, the address could be split across Town/city, County and Country as follows:
Please check if the postcode you’ve entered is in the correct format. Postcodes are alphanumeric and between six and eight characters long.
They’re divided into two parts separated by a single space, for example, SW1W 0NY, PO16 7GZ, GU16 7HF, or L1 8JQ.
You can view and correct the error message for the worker directly from your Nest account. Follow the below steps to correct the Postcode:
We only accept letters (A-z), numbers (0-9), hyphen (-), ampersand (&), apostrophe (‘), full stop (.), single space or double space.
The following examples are all acceptable:
You can view and correct the error message for the worker directly from your Nest account. Follow the below steps to correct the Address line 2:
The start date is the date from when you’re legally required to begin making contributions for the workers. It's important to provide us with the correct start date because it creates an expectation of contributions, and will include this worker in contribution schedules from this date. You can’t enrol a worker on Nest before their start date. You can either correct the start date if it’s incorrect, or wait until the worker reaches their start date before enrolling them.
You can view and correct the error message for the worker directly from your Nest account. Follow the below steps to correct the Start date:
The start date is the date your employer duties first apply to a worker. It can’t be earlier than your employer Duty Date/Staging date. Your staging date is supplied by The Pensions regulator. To view your staging date, click ‘Organisation details’ on your Nest homepage. Then click ‘Edit your organisation’s details’.
Follow the below steps to correct the Start date:
The date you’ve entered is either an invalid date or in the wrong format. The start date should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD. You can view and correct the error message for the worker directly from your Nest account. Follow the below steps to correct the Start date:
You've tried to enrol a member online using the same enrolment type they’ve had previously. You can’t enrol a member using the same enrolment type. For example:
You’ll need to check if the worker you’re trying to enrol is active on ‘Manage workers’ page of your Nest account. If they’re already active with the correct enrolment type, then you don’t have to enrol them again.
If a member had left your business and re-joined, you’ll need to first mark the member as a leaver and later enrol them with the correct enrolment type.
If a worker enrolled as Worker Without Qualifying Earnings (WWQE) becomes eligible for auto enrolment, then you’ll need to enrol the worker again with the enrolment type as ‘Auto enrolled’. Follow the below steps to update it from your Nest account:
As you’ve previously enrolled this member, the start date of the second enrolment can’t be earlier than the date they became inactive. You may need to check the dates of the earlier enrolment from the Inactive workers list on your Nest account and re-enter the start date.
Once you’ve got the correct start date, follow the below steps to update it from your Nest account:
If a member’s age or earnings has changed and they’re now eligible to be auto enrolled, please choose the appropriate enrolment type to enrol the worker.
Each worker has their ‘enrolment type’ selected when they’re first enrolled, from the following options:
You’ll need to check if the worker you’re trying to enrol is active on ‘Manage workers’ page of your Nest account. If they’re already active with the correct enrolment type, then you don’t have to enrol them again.
It’s important to enter the correct enrolment type for each worker. If a worker enrolled as Worker Without Qualifying Earnings (WWQE) becomes eligible for auto enrolment, you'll need to select the enrolment type as Auto enrolled. Follow the below steps to update it from your Nest account:
Please ensure that you’ve entered the correct employer reference number as it appears on your Nest account. You can find your Nest employer ID in the top right corner of your Nest home page. It should be entered in the following format: EMP012345678. It's case sensitive, so make sure you use the capital letters ‘EMP’.
Follow the below steps to edit the Employer reference number:
Please check the value you've entered under the ‘Process type’ field in the file header. The acceptable values are:
ME - enrolling workers: this is for enrolling workers in the scheme
DE - cancelling an enrolment: this is for cancelling a worker’s enrolment
Follow the below steps to edit the Process type:
This error is caused due to the incorrect format of the file or if one or more of the Header, Detail record or Trailer are not updated in the correct format. We recommend using our Nest CSV templates for creating files in the correct format. You can use our templates for enrolling workers and de-enrolling workers.