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What are the different ways of exchanging information with Nest?

There are two types of information you’ll regularly exchange with Nest

  • enrolment information
  • contribution details.

You’ll need to decide how you want to send and receive this information.

There are three ways to exchange information with Nest:

  •     manually on our secure website
  •     file upload
  •     secure file transfer protocol (SFTP).

Manually – this is easier to manage for small number of members with each record updated separately on screen.

To enrol workers manually please see How do I enrol workers manually online?

To enter contribution information manually please see How do I complete a contribution schedule manually?

File upload – this allows you to upload files in CSV format using our secure website.

To enrol workers by uploading a CSV file please see How do I enrol workers using file upload?

To enter the contribution information by uploading a CSV file please see Where do I upload my completed CSV file to submit contributions?

The maximum file size is 2MB. Processing time for enrolment and contribution files sent to Nest by file upload are shown in the table below.

Number of member records in file

Processing time

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Up to 49 workers

30 seconds

We’ll confirm we’ve received your file uploads with an onscreen message.

From 50 up to 999 workers

One hour

We’ll send a message to your secure mailbox confirming we’ve received your upload. A separate message will tell you if there are any errors.

1,000 or more workers


We’ll send a message to your secure mailbox confirming we’ve received your upload. A separate message will tell you if there are any errors.


If you use file upload you can also get information back from Nest in CSV format.

We’ll also send updates to your Nest secure mailbox, covering:

  • Successful enrolments (PDF)
  • Errors in files you’ve uploaded
  • Members who’ve opted out of Nest (PDF).

Secure file transfer protocol (SFTP)

This is suitable for uploading large CSV or XML files.

Processing time for enrolment and contribution files sent to Nest using SFTP are:

Number of member records in file

Processing time

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Up to 999 workers

One hour

We’ll send a message to your secure mailbox confirming we’ve received your upload. A separate message will tell you if there are any errors.

1,000 or more workers


We’ll send a message to your secure mailbox confirming we’ve received your upload. A separate message will tell you if there are any errors.


Files are processed in batches between the hours of 8am to 6pm, seven days a week. If a file of fewer than 1,000 members is loaded at 6.01pm, processing may not be completed until 10am the following day.

CSV or XML files showing the outcome of processing will be available for you to collect as well as files to say which members have opted out. There’s no limit to file size.

When you use SFTP you also have the option to receive automatic return files from Nest.

Choosing which method to use

It’s up to you to select which method you wish to use and you can combine the methods if you want to. For example, you may send us a file by SFTP, but then choose to correct any errors using one of the other options.

If you want to provide information to Nest using file upload, there’s only one file format you can use, which is CSV. If you’re using SFTP you can use CSV or XML.

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