If you’ve clicked ‘Submit schedule’, our system will process the schedule to validate the information provided. You can also make payment by submitting a payment file through file transfer. The time taken to process will depend on the number of records in your schedule.
When we’ve finished processing your schedule, we’ll expect to receive a payment for the members showing with the status Payment expected. We won’t expect payment for any other member statuses.

The payment amount we’re expecting and our bank details will appear above the schedule summary box.

We’ll send a message called Your contribution schedule for payment source: (name of payment source) to your online mailbox to confirm the amount we’re expecting. It’s important to make sure you send the exact amount due for payment. We may need to contact you to find out how you’d like us to allocate the money if there’s any difference between the amount you send and the amount we’re expecting. If you don’t include the correct payment reference or pay us less than were expecting for the individual contribution schedule we’ll return the payment to you.
This will delay the contribution schedule moving to paid status. If we haven’t received a payment and the payment due date has passed you could receive a late payment notification. If we receive more money than we’re expecting for the individual schedule, we’ll refund the extra amount to the account you’ve nominated to accept refunds.
* Our chat is available from Monday to Sunday from 8.00AM to 8.00PM
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