You set up a payment source when you’re setting up with NEST. A payment source tells us how you’re going to pay contributions for your workers and where you’d like any refund payments to go.
Direct credit option was available for the employers who’ve created their NEST account before September 2016.
In task 4 of setting up with NEST we’ll ask you to tell us how you’ll pay your contributions.
You can choose to use Direct Debit, debit card or direct credit. The system will automatically select Direct Debit so you’ll need to change this if you want to pay by direct credit or debit card.
If you choose to pay by direct credit you’ll need to include a reference number each time you send us a payment. This is so we’ll know which contribution schedule to allocate it to. You’ll also need to send your payment to us in enough time before the due date of the contribution schedule you’re paying for.
Direct Debit is the easiest and most convenient method of making contribution payments to NEST. It allows you to check and approve the amounts before any money is taken and when you’re ready all you need to do is click the ‘Submit schedule’ button through your online NEST account.
Please note that we can’t accept cheques to pay contributions.
After you’ve completed task 2 click ‘Tell us how you’ll pay’ on the confirmation screen.

If you’re returning to complete the set-up later then click ‘Tell us how you’ll pay’ in task 4.

Click ‘Add a payment source’.

If you don’t want to pay by direct debit then click ‘See all payment method options’ to choose other payment method.

Firstly, we’ll ask you to give your payment source a name. You’ll need to use this name in your future contribution schedules. You can use a combination of letters and numbers but please make sure you’re not using this name for another payment source.
If you’re using a third party payroll provider, please make sure the payment source name you’re using also matches the payment source name in your payroll software.
You can name the payment source to reflect the type of workers or group you’ll use it for. For example, for weekly payroll, you could name the payment source ‘Weekly staff’.

You can choose one of three payment methods for your contributions. If you’d like to use direct credit then click on that option.

Our bank details will appear in this section so you can make a note of them if you’d like to. We’ll still remind you of our bank details and the reference number that you’ll need to use every time you need to make a payment to NEST. You’ll need to complete a contribution schedule to make payment to NEST. The details will appear at the top of the contribution schedule within 15 minutes of you clicking ‘Submit schedule’. The reference number you’ll need to use will begin with IT, for example IT000123456.
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