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Our latest reports

Read our latest reports on the issues that matter, from investing your money responsibly to our plans for the future.


Understanding our members' investment needs

Our Member investment research report 2021 (PDF) summarises a range of evidence about our members and their investment which influences the evolution of our investment strategy


Statement of investment principles (SIP)

The Statement of investment principles (SIP) sets out how we'll invest members’ money. Take a look at our Statement of investment principles (SIP) 2023-26 (PDF)



Statement of investment principles implementation statement

Download our Statement of investment principles implementation statement 2023/24 (PDF)


Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) report

View our Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) report 2023/24 (PDF) 


Corporate plan

We’re here to support you to and through retirement. Read our Corporate Plan to learn about our new corporate purpose and strategy.


Climate change risk policy

A lot of hard work has gone into researching how climate change will affect our members' money and how to protect your pot. You’ll find all the details in our Climate change risk policy (PDF)


Order and rules

Our Order and rules summary (PDF) can help you understand why Nest has certain features and obligations

Download the full Order and rules (PDF)​


Gender pay gap report

View our 2024 Gender pay gap report (PDF)


Ethnicity pay gap report

View our 2024 Ethnicity pay gap report (PDF)

Previous reports

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Policies and plans

Nest Corporation sets out various policies and plans designed to keep key stakeholders – including members and employers using Nest – informed of current and planned activity.

Policies and plans

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Policy papers and consultations

We regularly conduct research and seek insights from outside of Nest to help us understand the needs of our members and employers.

See our policy papers and consultations