Nest Corporation, the Trustee that runs the Nest scheme, is a public corporation. It’s accountable to Parliament through the Department for Work and Pensions but is generally independent of government in its day-to-day decisions.
Being a public body means that we have no owners or shareholders. As a Trustee, we run the scheme in the interests of our members.
The Trustee is comprised of up to 15 Board Members and the employees of Nest Corporation. The Board Members are collectively referred to as the Board of Nest Corporation, or simply the Board. They’re supported by an executive team and a range of specialists who aim to make sure Nest works in the way it should.
Board Members are currently chosen by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions in line with public appointments guidance that promotes selection on the basis of merit, fairness and openness. At some point in the future we’ll be able to appoint our own Board Members through a process that includes input from our Members’ Panel. The Secretary of State will decide when that will be.
This section explains more about the documents and policies that set out how Nest is run.