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Our latest thinking on the issues that matter, from responsible investment to industry news to how we put our customers at the heart of our offering.

How Nest exercises its voting rights

Exercising our voting rights is a core part of our stewardship activity and broader responsible investment approach.


Read more about exercising out voting rights

Nest’s 2023/24 Responsible Investment report

Ever wondered how your pension is being invested? You might've heard that your pension is responsibly invested – but what does that really mean? 


Our latest responsible investment report answers these questions, and more.


Be proud of your pension: Meet Steve

Steve Wyatt was one of 10 entrepreneurs given the opportunity to move into a shop as part of an initiative to regenerate a shopping area in Poole, Dorset. He went from being homeless and suffering from drug addiction to now the proud owner of a furniture restoration shop, in part, thanks to your pension investments.

Learn more about Steve's story

Wild roots

Be proud of your pension: Meet Hope

Hope Dean was one of 10 entrepreneurs given the opportunity to move into a shop as part of an initiative to regenerate a shopping area in Poole, Dorset. She went from gardening enthusiast to owning a floushing business, in part, thanks to your pension investments. 

Learn more about Hope's story


Be proud of your pension: Meet Beth

Bethany Holland was one of 10 entrepreneurs given the opportunity to move into a shop as part of an initiative to regenerate a shopping area in Poole, Dorset. She went from selling thrifted scarves online to a thriving business, in part, thanks to your pension investments. 

Learn more about Beth's story


National Inclusion Week at Nest

Being an inclusive organisation improves business outcomes. We aim to be inclusive in everything we do because this helps us to better serve the many different life and work experiences we see across Nest’s 13 million members.

How we're making an imapct

The new asset class in your Nest pension

Today, we announced the introduction of a new asset class to our portfolio, timberland. But what is it, how does it make money, and will it affect your Nest pension?


Learn more about timberland

Women discussing

How do women feel about investing 

Our research found that more than half of men* take an active interest in keeping themselves informed about investments, this is in comparison to only a third of women. 

Find out how women’s attitudes towards investing differ from those of men

Nick Laws

My midlife MOT 

A midlife MOT is a health check for your finances. The tool helps you assess your current financial situation and helps you plan for the future. 

See how the midlife MOT helped Nick take charge of his finances


The reality of retirement

While retirement is a reward for years of hard work, it comes with its own set of challenges. We spoke to several recent retirees to get their view on this major life change.

Meet Lorna, Steve, Paul and Susan

George's cornflake chicken dippers

George Longman, Nest’s investment proposition communications manager, shared one of his favourite weekend recipes.

Geogre's favourite weekend recipe