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News, press and policy

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Because Nest was set up specifically for auto enrolment, we’ve been at the forefront of thinking about the impact of the new pension rules. Our research and thinking is designed to encourage innovation and best practice.

Resources for journalists

We work with publications and journalists to help people find out more about auto enrolment and Nest. If you can't find what you're looking for here, you can get in touch with us.

Policy papers and consultations

By sharing the results of our research and policy decisions, as well as responses to consultations run by Nest and others, we hope to increase understanding of auto enrolment and the needs of Nest members.

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Press releases

Take a look at our press releases to find the latest news or a particular story you're looking for.

Browse our press releases

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Resources for journalists

We work with publications and journalists to help people find out more about auto enrolment and Nest.

See resources for journalists

People chatting in meeting

Policy papers and consultations

We regularly conduct research and seek insights from outside of Nest to help us understand the needs of our members and employers.

See Nest’s policy papers and consultations