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How do women feel about investing?

Women’s attitudes towards investing differ from those of men. Our research found that more than half of men* take an active interest in keeping themselves informed about investments, this is in comparison to only a third of women. 

We also discovered that there are two main barriers that hold women back from investing. Nearly 60% of women fear losing their money, while 41% stated that they didn’t think they had enough financial knowledge to be investing. Both numbers were significantly lower for men. 

However, both men and women agreed, that if they could see where their money was being invested, they’d be more likely to invest. That’s why we want all our members, regardless of gender, to feel confident and understand what happens to their pension contributions when they leave their paychecks. And you might like to learn that your pension is a lot closer than you think! 

What happens to your pension savings?

When you and your employer’s monthly contributions reach your pot, Nest invests them in a range of companies and projects around the world. Ranging from local hospitals, through to social housing and American tech companies. This is to help you save for your retirement and make sure that your money continues to grow in line with or beats the rise in the cost of living. 

How about we bring it even closer to home? If you look around, I guarantee that you’ll find at least one item that you’re invested in through your pension. The car you drive to work, the phone you use to keep in touch with your friends or that pack of OREOS you’ve promised yourself not to touch until the weekend. 

At Nest, we believe that you should feel empowered and confident that your pension savings are invested to help your money grow in the long term. This is one of the reasons that we created an online transparency tool in partnership with Tumelo. By exploring the tool you’ll be able to see what companies your pension savings are invested in. Are you able to spot any brands that you can find in your home? 

Why not take it a step further and cook up a storm using some of the food brands you invest in. You can find sample recipes here and here.

* a survey of 2,000 respondents on 06/11/23 – a national representative sample.

Published 11 July 2024

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