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How we've voted

Our fund managers exercise the voting rights with regards to the shares Nest owns on behalf of our members. Our fund managers vote in line with their respective voting policies, but we also have a UK voting and engagement policy  and our Global voting and engagement policy.

Of course, there will be times when we think our fund managers could do more, or where we recognise that their views aren’t necessarily aligned with ours and our members’ needs. We work closely with our fund managers and offer constructive challenge if our views differ. We’ve also secured an agreement with UBS, our global developed equities fund manager, that we can override certain votes on issues we feel are strongly at odds with our members’ interests. 

We discuss key votes from the year and those we’ve overridden in our annual responsible investment reports. You can find those here.

Each year we also publish our voting summary report setting out how all our fund managers have voted and how this compares to Nest’s voting policy. You can read our latest annual voting summary report here:

Nest voting summary report 2023

And we report the votes our fund managers make every quarter, which you can see in detail here.