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Do you know what investments
you hold?

If your answer is ‘no’, don’t worry you’re not the only one! As it turns out, nearly two thirds of Brits* don’t know what investment options they have available through their pension and 63% didn't know where their pensions were invested.

We’re here to help try and change that! We want our members to understand and be proud of where their hard-earned money goes.

Where is your money invested?

We discovered that 64% would feel better knowing where their money was invested and would make them more likely to invest. It’s one of the reasons we have an online investment information tool, created in partnership with Tumelo, which allows you to see all the companies that your money is invested in.

You can view the companies by industry or search for them individually. In fact, you might be surprised to see that you could be invested in companies like high-street shopping brands, or TV networks. So, when you next watch your favourite TV show or pop to the shops, you can be proud that you might be one of the investors helping that company grow.

But Nest doesn’t just invest in company shares, our award-winning team of investment experts make sure that we don’t put all your eggs in one basket – we spread your money out across many different types of investments.

That means your money is put into a whole host of things from property and public transport here in theUK, to solar and windfarms around the world. You may even be invested in Norway's first electric ferry!

Why are we telling you about this?

We hope that having access to this kind of information can help you become comfortable with your pension pot and we think that’s important.

For many, your pension could be your most significant life savings and at Nest we want to make you feel comfortable knowing what we’re doing with your money.  We don’t want a lack of knowledge about investing being the reason you’re scared or feeling daunted about investing your money, which is what many of the survey respondents said. We want to bring you closer to your investments and help you understand what happens to your money beyond a monthly deduction on your payslip so that you can feel confident about the future and what lies ahead.

Find out more on how we invest your money

* a survey of 2,000 respondents on 06/11/23 – a national representative sample.

Published 3 October 2023

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