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Your pension explained: things everyone should know

Your pension explained with Dev and Laura

How do you keep track of your pension savings? How can you grow your pot? And what happens if you die before you withdraw your money?

Welcome to Pensions made simple with Dev and Laura, where we’ll answer some of the most common pension questions and show you how take charge of your pension savings. 

In a nutshell

  • Make sure your pension providers have your current contact details. It’s the best way of keeping connected to your savings.
  • Think about what should happen to your pension savings if you die – and then tell your pension provider your wishes.
  • Check whether your employer matches pension contributions. That means the more you pay in, the more they’ll pay in too. It’s effectively free money from your employer.
  • If you’ve had lots of jobs over your career, it’s worth tracking down your old pension pots and combining them.

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