Published: 29 July 2020
Nest, the largest pension scheme in the UK by membership with 9 million savers, has today announced a new Climate Change policy to decarbonise its investment portfolio.
The policy aims to align Nest with the Paris Agreement goals to keep global temperature rises within 1.5C above pre-industrial levels by 2050. It sets out a goal of being net-zero across its investments by 2050 or earlier, with the expectation that carbon emissions in its portfolio will halve by 2030.
To help achieve this Nest is making a series of immediate commitments:
Mark Fawcett, Nest’s Chief Investment Officer, believes today’s announcement sends a strong and clear message of the seriousness Nest places on tackling climate change, particularly following the economic impact of coronavirus.
“Just like coronavirus, climate change poses serious risks to both our savers and their investments. It has the potential to cause catastrophic damage and completely disrupt our way of life. No-one wants to save throughout their life to retire into a world devastated by climate change.
“As the world’s economy slowly recovers from coronavirus, we want to ensure this recovery is a green one. We have a unique opportunity to support sustainable growth and transition towards a low-carbon economy.
“We believe our new policy sets out a clear vision of where we’re heading. We’ll now work on taking the necessary steps to become net-zero, using our close partnerships with fund managers to amplify our impact and coordinate activities towards meeting the Paris Agreement goals.
“Not only is this the right thing to do, it’s also what our savers want and expect from us. How can we offer them the prospect of a better retirement if we ignore the world they’ll be retiring into?”
New survey data conducted by YouGov (16-17 July 2020) among 2,010 UK adults, of which 1,183 are saving into at least one pension, shows that UK consumers want the recovery from coronavirus to be a green one and expect their pension schemes to be playing a part.
Commenting on Nest’s announcement, Victoria Ward, a Nest saver aged 32 and working as a Salesroom Manager at Kerry Taylor Auctions, welcomed hearing her pension was taking climate change seriously.
"As someone who worries about climate change, it’s reassuring my pension scheme is equally committed to tackling the problem.
“The coronavirus pandemic has shown how volatile the world can be and it's clear there are lots of things we can no longer take for granted, such as the viability of fossil fuels. With this in mind, Nest’s goals regarding green investments make sense.
“I'm interested to hear what more Nest will be doing in this area and pleased they’re enabling me to do my bit to fight climate change."
Responding to Nest’s new climate change policy Lauren Peacock, Campaign Manager at ShareAction, the responsible investment charity, said:
“We warmly welcome Nest’s new policy on climate change and hope it will encourage other pension schemes to up their ambition. Nest’s policy acknowledges the impact of its investments on the planet and takes responsibility for them. By committing to engage with companies head on, all the while moving assets out of high carbon sectors, Nest is setting clear expectations for those most responsible for the climate emergency and demonstrating the power of pensions to move them along a more sustainable path. It is vital that engagement moves past disclosure and leads to meaningful change by companies if we are to curtail the climate crisis.”
The £5.5 billion that Nest is investing today via its climate aware equities fund represents more than £1.2 billion removed from the biggest carbon emitters and moved into companies pioneering green solutions and implementing strong transition plans, hence reducing the carbon footprint of Nest’s portfolio by the equivalent of taking 200,000 cars off the road or heating nearly 50,000 households for a year via renewables.
This follows £100 million already invested via Nest’s private credit mandate in renewables projects across Europe, such as 38 million euros into solar energy plants in Italy and Spain.
Notes to editors
Nest’s new climate change policy.
YouGov survey
All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2010 UK adults, of which 1,183 who have a pension. Fieldwork was undertaken between 16th - 17th July 2020. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+).